Certificate Attestation
If you are looking for urgent Police Clearance Certificate attestation for UAE in Pune, Mumbai, Delhi, and Chennai or anywhere within India, call Degree Certificate attestation at 9911876394 or just send your Name, Email, Mobile number in the query section of this website page and get your PCC Attestation for UAE.
Police Clearance Certificate for Qatar
Now PCC (Police Clearance Certificate) is also compulsory for Qatar Embassy Certificate attestation as per the latest amendments to the rules which have been enforced recently. PCC or Police Clearance Certificate is an official paper that is issued by state police or government department of a country to specify any criminal records that the PCC applicant may or may not have in the country he or she resided or residing presently. You will have to draft a letter to embassy asking for a PCC and that you are authorizing Degree Certificate attestation to collect it on your behalf. The Criminal Evidences and Information Department, approving that the candidate has never participate in any criminal activity that led to the engagement of the Qatar Police, and is also needed when an applicant applies for an immigration status to other countries from New Delhi India or Qatar. Candidate submitting form for Police Clearance Certificate (PCC) is required to mention the period of stay in Qatar or any other country he resided. A document of stay is to be given to prove along with the PCC application form in Qata